
03 September 2008

Worth remembering #1

Today on occasion of Ganesh Chathurthi, I am starting a new series in my blog. It will be a post on collection of best one-liners, citations I come across in last one week, not necessarily the latest one. The source can be any reading stuff under the earth - blogs, books, newspapers etc. The content can be from any category technology, sports, entertainment. And I will be crediting the original author by hyperlinking to the source if it exists on web.

Here are this week's collections.

The Olympics are every four years , but for the athlete it's everyday!!

Abhinav Bindra in his blog Road to Beijing.

Take Retail - The competitive advantage is in owning real estate, Take Transportation - The competitive advantage is in owning the Oil “Real Estate”, Take Web 1.0 - The competitive advantage was in Operating System “Real Estate”, Take SaaS and Web 2.0 - The competitive advantage is in Browser “Real Estate”.

Rajesh Shetty in his blog Life Beyond Code, explaining the real motive behind Google's new Chrome browser.

However, the fact remains that whether a band, a start-up company, a romantic relationship or just a gang of friends, these bust-ups happen. And although we think ki we don't care and have 'moved on', the truth is we actually have not.

Rashmi Bansal in Youth Curry, while reviewing the movie Rock On

Fencing @ Madurai!! The only fencing that the city new about in the olden time used to be the ones between homes !

Kavi in her blog Kavi's Musing, while describing about evolution of sports culture in her hometown Madurai.

If you would not like to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.

Author: Bejamin Franklin, I read this quote in last page of a long note book.

You have come across, any good one-liners in last 7 days. Do share them as comments


  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein

  2. Good Initiative Shande. But dont do an overdose of quotes in one post.

  3. sure Raveesh .. I will keep maximum of 5 per posts and the quotes will be from different fields to maintain variety.
