
01 September 2008

New look and feel

For last few days I have been regularly tweaking my templates. I guess the regular visitors to my blog would have noticed it. The change was very much needed, since the blog was looking very mundane, as it had same colour scheme of basic blogger template. Every time after changing the colour combination, I used to ask for instant feedback from Raveesh. The immediate response used to be 'Chennagilla'.

After trying out all RGB colour combination, I decided to use some natural colours instead i.e. colours from my photographs. The present dark background is crop of a image of sunset snap. The natural gradient colour makes the look and feel different. Also in blog title section I have added a background panoramic image. The snap was taken during Kudremukh-Samse trip. After the change of image background, the major relief for me was when I got a thumbs up from Raveesh for the change.

Other than look and feel I have added a few features/changes in last few weeks.
  • Expandable summaries: A good feature especially one can see condensed posts when browsing the archive section. But it's tedious because one has manually add span tag to all posts. As of now I added it to my important travel posts.
  • Label cloud: makes the navigation easy since the number of categories have increased.
  • Related posts by categories after end of each post.
  • Blog logo: comes in header tab of the browser.
  • Images and borders for blockquotes.
Feedback and suggestions for changes are welcome.

An Aside: August 2008 has been the best month w.r.t to statistics. I posted 15 post, highest so far in a month and got more than 4000 pageviews. The major hits were for Rottikallu Homestay post and review of Kalyan Varma's workshop.

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