
10 August 2008

Lalbagh Flower Show: Aug 2008

Entry Fee:
Adults: Rs.30 on weekdays/ Rs.40 on weekends.
Camera Fees: Rs. 10 (introduced from this time).

Timings: 8 am to 7 pm.

Duration: From 9th August to 17th August.

Flower ShowI have been a regular visitor to the bi-annual flower show at Lalbagh for last 2 years. In short span the show has changed tremendously. The changes are not mainly with respect floral decoration/arrangement. After the recent low intensity serial blasts in Bangalore, one of the most evident change is security check, one has go through metal detectors before entering into Glass house. This time there is periodic monitoring of the place by bomb squad with sniffer dogs. The number of men in khaki uniform guarding the place have also increased substantially.

Hampi Chariot
Let's get to the flowers, this time the center of attraction of the flower show - Hampi Chariot is not in Glass House. It's at a different place, next to organic farming stalls. I feel it would have been better if they had managed to have it in the Glass House itself. The present place is very congested and unlike glass house there is no natural lightning.

In the Glass House the floral arrangement was as usual dominated by HAL team's works. Majority of the flowers were repeat of last time. So we(myself and Jatin) looked out for flowers of distinct pattern and colours. One of the arrangement done for filling the space was nice to photograph. All the flowers in it were fresh and in full bloom. The arrangement had series of different types of marigold (may not be intentionally done).
Floral ArrangementMarigold

It was worthwhile to photograph each and every pattern of marigold and in the process we spent more than half an hour at a arrangement which was done just for filling the space!

The other flowers which caught our eyes were a Poppy Flower flower of white+violet colour, Spider Lilies.
Poppy Flower
Poppy flower
Spider Lilly
Spider Lilly


  1. I had been to the Lalbagh flower show last year and had an awesome experience :)

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