
07 April 2008

BIAL visit

Being member of metblogs community I had been to the new Bengaluru International Airport(BIA) officially. The visit was conducted by communications team of BIAL for blogging communities of Bangalore to showcase the airport before the actual opening on May 11th.

Departure terminal

In the visit our host showed the progress of construction work, which is almost complete and some unique features of airport. Even though the airport not a visually appealing one, but it looks like a international one - a kind of airport Bangalore deserves. I stumbled upon the natural lighting and pleasant interiors.

Read the more detailed report at Bangalore Metblogs - Visit to BIA.

Also have a look at my Flickr Photoset-BIA.


  1. Good work, It looks like an AIRPORT now :)

    Hope the system works as efficiently as is planned

  2. Good blog shande ! As usual, all the details are well captured.

  3. Hope our guys keep it clean..!!

  4. @manish, u are right .. HAL airport looks like railway station :)

    @sudhirki, thanks.

    @madhu, clean in what sense ?
