
24 June 2007

It’s just the beginning. is one year old !!!!!

After every trip, I used to document my experiences in a piece of paper or in an ms-word document. There was a plan to share this with my friends and colleagues in blogosphere. The self consciousness about quality of my English, whether people who read my post would ridicule me for mistakes, prevented posting my experiences for long time.

Then how this self consciousness rooted out? The first trigger was the start of Ee Prapancha by Raveesh, he requested me to comment for his post. He also promised me that he we will also post comments when I too start blogging. Then on 24th June 2006, after coming back from Nandi Hills Bike Trip, as usual I documented my experiences in ms-word and wanted to share the same. The self consciousness came into picture again. But my friend Ande encouraged me go ahead and asked me not to take seriously what others say, human beings improve by committing mistakes. If Ande’s encouragement was not there wouldn’t have seen the light of day. My experiences would have remained as ms-word documents.

Now, I am no more self conscious and sharing all my experiences with a press of button. In the process, my English has also improved, thanks to Sudhir for pointing out the mistakes, but still there is a lot scope for improvement.

The online posting made my life easy to communicate the experiences to my friends, who are geographically separated. I need not type each and every word in the chat window.
Starting with bike trip, I have posted on various other topics from movies, trekking, events and whatever happened to me personally. Also knowingly or unknowingly my blog benefited many people. The experiences of my stay at Indian Guest House, Gumi(South Korea) became a perfect reference for Indians who are planning to travel Gumi.

Favorite posts
Of all the 59 posts so far some are my favorites, the thoughts have come direct dil se. Here is the list in chronological order.
- 2 years of Software Engineer: blogged while watching thrilling football world cup semi-final Germany v/s Italy.
- Hypnotism without Hypnosis.
- Lakshmi v/s Saraswathi.
- Savandurga Trek n Bike Trip: still the experiences of this trek linger in my mind when I descend from the top of a mountain.
- I was hospitalized for first time.
- Is there a 2nd Chance in Life: Comeback of Saurav Ganguly inspired me to write about this.
- Are you sharing password at your workplace: because of this post I lost a sincere and creative commenter to my blog.
- Callback from KBC.
- First Day, First Show: It’s not about a movie.
- KTX journey: my cousin Krishna appreciated the construction of the concept in this post.
- Ctrl+Alt+Del: Post to log off from Korea.

Initially I used to force my close friends to comment. Now, many people comment voluntarily. There are some regular silent visitors also. I hope they also comment one fine day, that’s why I have allowed anonymous comments.

Thanks to google analytics, I able to monitor visitor statistics daily. Initially the maximum percentage to my blog used to be direct visitors, but for last 3 months the people directed from google search have gradually increased. At present (in June) maximum visitors are from search engines.

[Visitor Source %age (June)]

The keyword report of the analytics says that Mungaaru Male has been the most visitor directing keyword to my blog. When I posted, the movie was just a technically good Kannada movie. Gradually with word of mouth the movie turned into biggest blockbuster of Sandalwood and hence increasing visitors to my blog.

[Top 10 keywords]

To conclude it’s just the beginning. There many stuffs to write and discuss. Please post your feedback and suggestions. Let me know the areas in which I make improvements.


  1. Great going buddy! Keep the posts coming.

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Great going shande..Keep it going
    btw is it your birthday today?
    If Yes, then Wish you happy birthday :-)

  3. @ chethan, ritesh
    thanks for the comments

    birthday of my blog ... not mine :)

  4. Great going shande .. keep a post on your special art of hand writing analysis. There are ppl who want to know how does it work. if you put some samples by scanning and explaining the facts it would be great... I am sure you have lot of stuff to blog about ... All the best!!!

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    As Shande said, i am also one of the silent visitors who will look into his blogs quite often...Whenever he asked to comment on his new post, i just looked into his blog and kept quiet and i am sure on quite number of occassions he will be disappointed on me...Today also i looked into his post as usual but seriously thought of commenting and here is my comment...Great job Shande...

  6. Congratulations!!

    You have been adding new posts regularly in your blog. I think that has created a whole bunch of regular readers of your blog.

    Your travelougues have been good guide to others. Movie reviews have been been regular on Sundays/Mondays (except when you were in S Korea).

    On top, your blogging has got extended to Bangalore Metroblogs! I am sure your Brahmin's Coffee Bar post and TOI's best Idli-Coffee contest must have guided many people to BCB!

    Wish you a great blog year ahead! :)

  7. Great going shande. Your blogs are uncomplicated, and 'dil-se' :). Here's wishing and hoping you write a lot more of 'em in the coming year.

  8. Great !!

    Good going dude. Keep blogging. Your blog has come of age. And posts now have a much broader out look and seems you are fascinated by blog stats too.

  9. thanks to all for comments, complements and wishes.

    still i am dilemma whether to post about handwriting analysis in dedicated blog or in this blog itself. You can expect the posts when this is resolved.

  10. I wish you and your blog gets much more anniversaries together!

  11. That an interesting post. I never thought about this before. But, looking back at different situations, this might be right. Keep it up friend!
